How to use the Voucher class in Tally?
You can reduce your time and mistakes made by making voucher classes. The voucher class in Tally is a perfect option that makes our work easy. The voucher class option includes (adds) and excludes (removes) the laser option from the laser list in the Tally. The style of all the vouchers in the Tally can be made, but mainly the types of payment, receipt, sales, and Purchase are made.
What is the voucher class inTallyy? (What is Voucher Class in Tally?)
The laser or entry that is repeated repeatedly by the voucher class in theTallyy is already maintained; by doing so, when you make an entry in theTallyy, the field of the voucher entry within the accounting voucher is automatically filled Goes by which the user has to work less while making the entry, which also saves time and also reduces errors.
How to create a Purchase Voucher class inTallyy? (How to make Purchase voucher class in Tally)
- Open your company first in the alley.
- Then click on Account Info.
- Now click on Voucher Type.
- After this, click on Alter, and select the voucher you want to create a class, as now we will choose Purchase Voucher.
- Now in this, you give some name of the class in Direct Name of Class like- Discount Received.
- Now the Voucher type class window will open in front of you; in this, you have to select the ledger you want to remove in Exclude these groups and choose the register from Include the groups you want to see in the Purchase voucher. Such as – Exclude these groups- bank a / c, bank OD, Branch / Division, and Sundry Debtors and Include these groups – Cash in Hand, Sundry Creditors.
- After this, select Purchase Voucher in Ledger name and Yes in Overwrite using items default.
- Then select Discount Received in Ledger name, and select As user define value in Types of calculation.
- After that, accept the entry.
How to create a Sales Voucher class inTallyy? (How to make a Sales voucher class in Tally)
- Open your company first in the alley.
- After this, click on Voucher types in Account Info.
- Then click on Alter, and select Sales Voucher.
- Now, you give the class a name in the Direct Name of Class, like- Discount Given.
- Now the Voucher type class window will open in front of you; in this, you have to select the ledger you want to remove in Exclude these groups and choose the register from Include the groups you want to see in the Sales voucher. Such as – Exclude these groups- bank a / c, bank OD, Branch / Division, Sundry Creditors, and Include these groups – Cash in Hand, Sundry Debtors.
- Then select Sales Voucher in Ledger name and Yes in Overwrite using items default.
- Then select Discount Given in Ledger name, select As user define value in Types of calculation.
- After that, accept the entry.