Understanding Search Engine Optimisation Fundamentals

by Jeremy

You’ve done the work and built an exciting, powerful brand you are proud of. Now it’s time to get the world on board too. Approximately 4.95 billion people across the globe use the internet, in some form, daily. So how do you attract even a fraction of that number to your burgeoning enterprise’s online presence? An essential item for your toolkit is to invest in Search Engine Optimisation. When people pull up Google and type keywords related to their business, where do they fall in the search results? Are you being featured on page 1, or have you landed a few pages back? Take a look at how SEO can work for you:Search Engine Optimisation

Hire a Professional

The first thing you might consider is hiring a search engine optimization specialist. These experts spend their days pouring over data and the latest trends and can give you a leg up in the digital world. They help you analyze, more effectively, what your current presence is doing and work with you to build strategies for improvement. Beyond that, below is where you can start on your own.

Content and Keywords

When using a search engine, people have a specific goal in mind. They string a question or maybe a few barely related words together in hopes of finding the answers they are looking for. The key is formatting your content so the search engine sees your brand as the perfect answer. So writing unique, helpful content is essential for your SEO strategy. It is also necessary to consider what keywords are associated with you and include those words in your content.


Here is where things get mind-boggling when it comes to SEO. Most search engines like Google crawl behind the scenes of web data to find what users seek. The data behind the data, if you will. Image descriptors, title tags, authors, and dates are all examples of metadata – and the list goes on. This is especially important if your presence has little to do with text and more with audio and visual features.
Additionally, you’ll want to be aware of your schemas. This is a critical part of SEO strategy and can be the most confusing. Another reason for hiring a professional to help! Schemas further hone the search engines’ ability to crawl through your site and raise your position on a search results page.


The next crucial part of a great SEO strategy is your “popularity”. How many other people on the web think your brand or content is quality enough to link back to? But they can’t be just any links, and they need to be linked from high-quality sources themselves. Imagine an individual running for office getting the endorsement of a beloved public figure or respectable organization. This is generally the same idea. Your website needs other websites referencing your content, work, and brand with the following links back to you. It means your content is worth looking at, and the search engines will notice that, also.

Change is Inevitable

The digital world is fast-paced and constantly evolving. So today, you have an excellent strategy, and things are moving nicely, but tomorrow a search engine could change its algorithm, and suddenly you are back to page 2 of search results. If you wish to stay relevant, it won’t ever be a one-and-done task. To make SEO work for you, you must also adapt and change. It can be tedious work but doable, and your brand’s web presence will only benefit from it.

SEO can be a lot of work. Do it yourself, or get an expert to ensure your site performs at its best!

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