How to Develop an SEO Plan for Your Company

by Jeremy

Did you know that 84% of internet users use search engines? Like it or not, these search platforms have changed how customers find new products and services.

You’re actively losing out on new business if you don’t have an SEO plan (search engine optimization) to target these users. That’s why we made this article.

In it, we’ll walk you through the basics of developing an SEO plan for your business. Let’s get started!SEO

Set Your Goals

No SEO plan is complete without measurable goals. Different goals will require other methods of attack from the digital marketing team. Just make sure you choose an objective that has a clear metric.

Just choose a specific number and a period for the SEO plan to be active. For example, maybe you want to increase eCommerce sales by a certain percentage. Or, perhaps you want more website traffic.

That way, you can measure whether or not it was effective and adjust the plan.

Select Your Keywords

Next, it’s time to pick keywords that your target demographic is searching for. One popular way to do this is to use helpful keyword tools to find local SEO terms in your area.

However, you can also do it using a simple Google search. Type a relevant keyword into Google and see what it autocompletes. These are the terms people are searching for.

That means they’re ripe for an article to be written about them. Just make sure you choose long-form keywords with more than two words. These tend to have the highest SEO conversion rates.

Create Content Around These Keywords

Once you find the keywords your SEO plan wants to target, it’s time to make content. It would help if you focused on providing worth to your readers.

Remember that most people can tell when you’re trying to sell something. So, try helping them with a problem instead of a sales pitch. You’ll be surprised how many people stick around to check out your products and services.

Also, if you can, make sure to write long-form content. This type of content is considered more authoritative, which causes it to rank higher on search results.

Build Links to Your Content

Without backlinks to your article, it’s not likely to rank very high. If your piece is authoritative enough, it can get famous from people sharing it.

But, in the meantime, you can also pay for guest posts to backlink your article. That way, it ranks higher.

Enjoy Learning How to Develop an SEO Plan? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn how to develop an SEO plan for your company. Remember that crafting an SEO strategy will be challenging if you don’t have any experience.

Did this article help you out? It’s not impossible, but it will require significant time and resources. So, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for help. Keep exploring our website to find more, just like it.

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