Salary of Computer Software Engineers in the United States

by Jeremy

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Computer Software Engineers earn an average salary of $84,600 annually. This number is up 2% from 2010 but has increased much more slowly than in the past. Since 2000, the median salary for Computer Software Engineers has been nearly 15%. Salaries for Computer Software Engineers are typically the highest in San Francisco. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage of computer software engineers in the United States is $81,390. That is much more than the median yearly salary for all other occupations in the country.

If you’re interested in working as a computer software engineer, this information will help you determine your earning potential. You will find the average annual salary of a computer software engineer in the United States. You will also learn the minimum and maximum salaries of a computer software engineer and the range of wages for this occupation.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), salaries for computer software engineers have increased steadily since the start of the recession. In 2011, the median annual pay for these professionals was $94,510, up 0.9% since 2009. This is more than double the growth rate for computer scientists ($41,710).

Computer Software

Computer software engineers with experience

Most people will tell you that the best way to become a successful computer software engineer is to start studying computer science from a young age. This is true, but it’s not the only option. You can also work your way into the field by starting as a software developer assistant or working your way up to a software developer. You can expect to earn less than $50,000 annually as a software developer assistant. To make more money, you can go through the process of becoming a full-fledged software developer. You can earn anywhere from $75,000 to $130,000 annually as a developer.

Median annual wages of computer software engineers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary of computer software engineers in the United States is $81,390. That is much more than the median yearly salary for all other occupations in the country. According to the BLS, the median annual wage for computer software engineers was $81,390 in May 2018.

Salary of computer software engineers by state

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary of computer software engineers in the United States is $81,390. That is much more than the median yearly salary for all other occupations in the country. These figures are based on the median annual earnings of all computer software engineers in the U.S. If you’re interested in working as a computer software engineer, this information will help you determine your earning potential.

A couple of states have higher earnings than the national average.

The top 5 highest-paying states are in the Northeast, while the bottom five are in the West. California, Washington, Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut are the highest-earning states. On the other hand, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Alaska have the lowest salaries.

Salary of computer software engineers

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual salary for computer software engineers is $81,390. That is much more than the median yearly salary for all other occupations in the country. While it is true that some employers offer a higher starting salary, the median wage will give you an idea of how much you can expect to earn. I thought I would only make $60k a year when I started working. But after a few years of experience, I have seen my income grow substantially.

Software Engineering Salary by Experience

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual salary of computer software engineers is $81,390. That is much more than the median yearly salary for all other occupations in the country. However, the median salary can vary widely depending on the industry. Experienced computer software engineers are paid better than novice ones.

Frequently Asked Questions Computer Software

Q: How long does it take to become a software engineer?

A: It depends on the school, but the average time to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science is about three years.

Q: What’s the salary range for computer software engineers in the United States?

A: Salary ranges vary from state to state and company to company. In general, entry-level computer software engineer salaries start at around $65,000 yearly and top at about $120,000.

Q: If you’re looking for employment as a computer software engineer, what’s your best option?

A: You could apply for a job like Microsoft or Google. They tend to hire the best. If you’re looking for an appointment with an employer, try LinkedIn.

Q: What are some common types of jobs for computer software engineers?

A: There are many different types of positions available in this career. Examples include computer software development, hardware maintenance, web development, and product design.

Q: How do you earn a living as a computer software engineer?

A: If you’re a full-time salaried employee, you can expect to earn $90,000 yearly.

Top 3 Myths About Computer Software

1. The salary for computer software engineers in the United States is low.

2. The average salary for computer software engineers in the United States is $68,000 annually.

3. The salaries of computer software engineers in the United States are very low.

4. Computer software engineers in the United States are very well paid.


There are several different ways to calculate the salary of a software engineer. Some of them are more accurate than others. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has two methods of calculating wages for computer software engineers. One is called the “Average Annual Wage,” while the other is called the “Median Annual Wage.” I recommend using the “Average Annual Wage” method since it’s much easier to understand. In addition to calculating average wage data, BLS also estimates median wage data. Median wage data is useful when determining the middle ground between the highest-paid and lowest-paid people in a field.

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