WASHINGTON, Dec 2 (Reuters) – Only trained dogs qualify as service animals on U.S. airlines, as regulators rejected requests to extend legal protections to miniature horses, monkeys, and other species, under the final U.S. Transportation Department rules were issued Wednesday. Airlines can still choose which other species to allow on board, but the directions given on Wednesday largely resolve years of disputes with passengers who falsely claim pets as “emotional support animals,” which may travel in the cabin with little oversight.
Under existing rules, airlines were required to recognize, with limited exceptions, emotional support animals as service animals. Now they can classify them as pets. Legally protected service animals are currently limited to dogs trained to perform tasks for someone who may be visually impaired or have psychiatric or other disabilities. Airlines do not have to allow “emotional support animals.”

Airlines charge as much as $175 to transport pets, a good reason to claim pets as emotional support animals. As recently as 2017, U.S. carriers transported 751,000 of them.
Species such as horses, cats, and capuchin monkeys will not get service animal status from U.S. regulators, but airlines may recognize them as service animals. Airlines may still not refuse a service animal based solely on breed or generalized physical type.
Airlines for America, an industry trade group, said the rul” will protect the traveling public and airline crew members from untrained animals in the cabin.”
In recent years, U.S. carriers, including Southwest Airlines Co, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and American Airlines, have limited emotional support animals in cabins to essentially dogs and cats after passengers boarded with exotic pets such as monkeys, pigs, and birds that could pose a safety risk.
Spirit Airlines Inc told regulators it had los” millions of dollars in pet carriage fees from passengers fraudulently claiming their ‘house pets are service or support animals’.”
In 2018, Delta noted some passengers” attempted to fly with comfort turkeys, gliding possums known as sugar gliders, snakes,” and spiders. That year, American Airlines said it would not allow many creatures on flights as support animals, including goats, ferrets, hedgehogs, amphibians, and reptiles.
The new rules will take effect 30 days after publication in the federal register.
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